A. Uppstrom DBC

DCS-3color-original_PACERS-300RGB.jpgMs. Ariel Uppstrom

 Hayes High School


(740) 833-1010 ext. 4453

Call after 2:30pm - Email anytime

 Website - Useful for Due Dates, Assignments, and Readings

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Honors American Literature and Composition Description:

-This is an honors course; therefore, the pace of projects, readings, and due dates will be faster and demand more of students than a regular course. Though there are more demands put upon the students, I am always a resource for help and concerns.

-This course demands that students explore different American identities. In order for this to happen, students need to be receptive to different groups and seek to discover similarities among all people.

-This class is also designed to prepare students for their pursuits after graduation. With this in mind, the class will be learning how to do some practical reading/writing (resume, college applications, etc.) and we will discuss current issues that affect everyone as a member of our society

Honors World Literature and Composition Description:

-This course demands that students explore other cultures.  Students will discuss their understanding of cultures being studied and observe how this understanding changes once they learn more about a cultural group.  In order for this to happen, students need to be receptive to different groups and seek to discover similarities among all people.

-This class is also designed to prepare students for their pursuits after graduation.  With this in mind, the class will be learning how to do some practical reading/writing (resume, college applications, etc.) and we will discuss current issues that affect everyone as a member of our society.

-This course requires students to gain a working comprehension of APA citation methods.  See the yellow packet and it would be wise to purchase a copy of APA format.

Film and Literature Description:

Since this course is an elective, it is my intention to teach you to appreciate film and the choices directors and actors make when compiling a movie.  We will learn how to look closely at a film to recognize and analyze the craft (camera use, dialogue, lighting) and the subtext of the time period.


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Course Summary:

Date Details Due