S. Ustaszewski-DBC

DCS-3color-original_PACERS-300RGB.jpgSue Ustaszewski

 Willis Intermediate School

Team 5-1 Math


(740) 833- 2716

 Best Contact Time: 8:00-8:30 or 3:00-3:30


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Team 5-1 Math:
Students will study the fifth grade Common Core Standards. Instructional goals are based on four types of Learning Targets: Recall, Understanding, Application, and Synthesizing. We start the year with a study of place value/decimal addition and subtracting. We then move into multiplication of whole numbers and decimals, division of whole numbers and decimals, order of operations/algebraic thinking, adding and subtracting fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions/graphing fractions, 2D geometry, and measurement.


Link to Course (requires Canvas Login)


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Course Summary:

Date Details Due