Jane E. Kovatch
Rutherford B. Hayes High School
(740) 833-1010 ext.4413 Room 1201
website: http://www.dcs.k12.oh.us/Domain/147
Biology/Honors Biology: The Study of Life
This course covers the following topics: the chemistry of life, ecology and population studies, cells, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, fermentation, genetics, DNA, RNA, evolution, survey of living organisms, and overview of body systems. Materials Needed: Bring your technology, 3-ring binder, lined paper, 1-2 composition notebooks, sharpened pencils, ruler, graph paper, markers or colored pencils, and a calculator
Link to Course (requires Canvas Login)
AP Biology:This is a college freshman-level biology course. Class activities include preparation for the required examination administered through the College Entrance Examination Board in May. Textbook studies and laboratory work are combined to make this a fast-paced study for selected capable students who have successfully completed biology and chemistry with solid A or high B average. A college textbook is used. Materials Needed: Lab Notebook, 3- Ring Binder, Calculator- 4-function with square root is all that is allowed on the AP exam, Colored Pencils/markers
Link to Course (requires Canvas Login)
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |