A Brandyberry DBC

DCS-3color-original_PACERS-300RGB.jpgAnne Brandyberry

 J. C. Dempsey Middle School


740-833-1800 X2806 

2020-2021 Office Hours Daily   2:10 pm - 3:00 pm 

Do not hesitate to call me or email me at brandyan@delawarecityschools.net or number above.


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Orchestra and Band 7

Assistant Director of Orchestra and Band, focusing on the development of individual technique, playing position, musicality, music theory and repertoire appropriate for the 7th grade orchestra/band student. Ensemble development also takes place at this level and students are  introduced small group ensembles such as duets, trios and quartets.

Orchestra and Band 8 

Assistant Director of Orchestra and Band, with continued focus on development of individual technique, playing position, musicality, music theory and repertoire appropriate for the 8th grade orchestra/bandstudent. Small ensembles are encouraged at this level, giving the student the opportunity to play in public and build their skill and confidence as we prepare them for the high school ensembles.


Beginning Band 6

This is our beginning band program. Students are beginning the study of a musical instrument, having the choice of a woodwind, brass or percussion instrument. There is a teacher for each group of instruments.  We focus on producing a good tone,  having correct hand positions,  good embouchure placement, learning rhythms, beginning music theory and teaching proper articulation for the students chosen instrument.  We usually have two concerts a year (they are on hold at this time) and our priorty is to build a strong foundation for the student's early musical experience.


*Orchestra 9-12 (Due to the Pandemic, I will not be teaching at Hayes at this time)

Assistant Director of Orchestra focusing on the development of individual technique, playing position, musicality, music theory and repertoire appropriate for the different skill levels of the orchestras offered at Hayes.  






 Link to my 6th Grade Concert Band Canvas course (requires log-in)

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Course Summary:

Date Details Due